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Keunggulan US PowerSports (US PowerSports Advantages)

Aki asli buatan Indonesia yang sudah terbukti handal di segala medan dan mempunyai daya yang baik.

Original battery made in Indonesia which has been proven to be reliable in all terrains and has good power.

Kekuatan (Power)

Teruji andal di segala medan (Tested to be reliable on all terrains)

Garansi (Guarantee)

Bergaransi resmi (Official guarantee)

After Sales

After sales yang baik dan mudah (Good and easy after sales)

Daya Tahan Produk (Product Durability)

Tidak mudah tumpah/bocor (Not easy to spill/leak)

Teknologi (Technology)

Absorbed Glass Mat Technology (AGM)

Mesin Produksi (Production Machines)

Mesin produksi menggunakan teknologi robotik & semi otomatis (Production machines use robotic & semi-automatic technology)

Frequently Asked Question

Apa ampere aki sesuai dengan apa yang tertera dikemasan? (Does the battery amperage match what is stated on the packaging?)

Seluruh produk US PowerSports memiliki ampere besar sesuai dengan yang tertera pada kemasan (All US PowerSports products have a large amperage as stated on the packaging)

Apa itu Absorbed Glass Mat Technology (AGM)? (What is Absorbed Glass Mat Technology (AGM)?)

AGM (absorbed glass mat) adalah desain khusus dengan teknologi absorbed glass mat yang mengacu pada mat fiberglass halus yang mampu menyerap asam sulfat dan mengaduk elektrolit di antara pelat baterai (AGM (absorbed glass mat) is a special design with absorbed glass mat technology which refers to a fine fiberglass mat that is able to absorb sulfuric acid and stir the electrolyte between the battery plates)

Apa pengaruh cuaca terhadap aki? (What effect does weather have on the battery?)

Iklim dan cuaca tentu berpengaruh signifikan terhadap fungsi aki pada kendaraan. Faktor-faktor lainnya seperti suhu, kelembaban, dan kondisi cuaca juga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja aki, yang tentu dapat mempengaruhi performa kendaraan (Climate and weather certainly have a significant effect on the function of the vehicle battery. Other factors such as temperature, humidity and weather conditions also influence battery performance, which of course can affect vehicle performance)

Bagaimana cara merawat aki agar awet? (How do you care for your battery so it lasts?)

Ada banyak cara untuk merawat aki agar awet, beberapa di antaranya adalah periksa level air aki secara berkala, pastikan klem aki tidak kendur, bersihkan aki secara berkala, periksa tegangan aki, gunakan aki secara rutin, lindungi aki dari suhu ekstrem, periksa sistem pengisian, dan gunakan aki yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi motor (There are many ways to care for the battery so that it lasts, some of which are checking the battery water level regularly, making sure the battery clamps are not loose, cleaning the battery regularly, checking battery voltage, using the battery regularly, protecting the battery from extreme temperatures, checking the charging system, and use a battery that matches the motorbike specifications)

Kapan aki harus diganti? (When should the battery be replaced?)

Masa pakai aki sekitar 1,5 atau dua tahun, paling lama. Jika lebih dari dua tahun, dipastikan performa aki turun dan harus segera menggantinya dengan yang baru. Jika dibiarkan begitu saja, bisa menyebabkan aki motor rusak dan motor tidak bisa digunakan (The battery life is about 1.5 or two years, at most. If it is more than two years, it is certain that the battery performance will decrease and you must immediately replace it with a new one. If left alone, it can cause the motorbike battery to be damaged and the motorbike cannot be used)

Berapa lama penggunaan aki dari pemasangan pertama kali? (How long does the battery last from first installation?)

Aki direkomendasikan untuk penggunaan kurang lebih tahan 1 tahun pada kondisi normal, hal ini juga bergantung dari pola penggunaan dan perawatan pengguna (The battery is recommended for use for approximately 1 year under normal conditions, this also depends on the user’s usage and maintenance patterns)

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